Thursday, May 23, 2013

Quick tips to an organized trunk

An organized trunk makes many tasks and unexpected events easier to handle.  It is wonderful to have a clear space to put groceries and know exactly where your jumper cables are.  If your trunk is a mish-mosh of items and needs a little TLC use the simple steps below.

1) Place a tarp on the ground and empty the contents of the trunk on the tarp.  Immediately remove and throw away trash, anything that is broken, ripped or dried up.  If you have not used an item in the last year get rid of it (this does not apply to seasonal emergency items like a blanket or small snow shovel).

2) Sort the remaining contents into categories based upon use.  You can try categories like emergency, car maintenance, seasonal tools etc.  Think about how and when you would use something, then place all items with a similar function or use together.

3) Once you have everything sorted give the piles one more look to make sure you did not miss anything that can be discarded or donated.  

4) Next you need to decide how you want to store these items.  If you want a low cost solution utilizing open cardboard boxes are best.  However, it is always a good idea to invest in quality containers that will last and are easy to move.  Anything in your trunk will take a beating so make sure the storage is sturdy.  Here are a few ideas:

Folding trunk organizer

Cases with handles

Sweater boxes

Smart store totes

Frosted totes

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