Tuesday, March 10, 2015

No closet, no problem!

A couple days ago I stopped into my friend M's new apartment.  Like most small apartments the master bedroom closet can be tight for two people's clothes even if only one season's style is out at a time.  She pointed me to the corner of her room where she had hung several articles of fancy clothing on nothing more than a tension rod and a few thumb tacks.  What a great idea!  M had taken a tight corner of the room and turned into a functional yet decorative storage area for clothes that wouldn't quite make it into the closet.  I asked for her to send me a picture so I could share it with you.  
M's clothing closet replacement
I simply love this idea.  She placed two thumb tacks into the wall on either side of the corner and then nestled the ends of the tension rod between the two.  If you wanted a more sturdy solution you could mount the rod on flat head nails, or mount a permanent rod using rod holders.  

What a great, low cost solution!