Because I am an organizer many people think I hate stuff,
that I despise things and belongings.
When working with a client one-on-one I am able to dismiss this
assumption pretty fast. I don’t hate
stuff and I do not disregard other people’s precious items. What I try to help people see is that relationships
and quality of life are so much more important than anything we own. Organizing is often not about the physical
stuff so much as it is about our perception of those things.
If disorganization, clutter or a lack of systems
negatively affects you and those around you, you are being held captive by what
you own and allowing it to control you.
This will cause stress in your life and ultimately your
relationships. Sometimes people have
simply acquired more than their space can comfortably contain, but the
belongings are relatively current. Other
times clients are drowning in an avalanche of memorabilia or things associated
with memories. This habit will hold you
in the past, keep your present from being enjoyable and even your future from
moving forward.
It is essential to visualize what is most important to
us, and also those around us. When we
can clarify and then agree on what that vision is we become more able to live
and exist with less. Remember less is
truly more!