Saturday, April 14, 2012

Tax preparation made easy

At this time of year when taxes are due it always makes sense to review what changes we can implement to make the process easier for the upcoming year.  With the 2011 tax season drawing to a close you may want to review your paper system for 2012.  Were there documents you searched for?  Did you spend extra time compiling numbers you needed?  Even though a few of these tips are repeats from previous blogs they are worth looking at again:

-Whether you use a hanging file with interior folders, a divided tote or a binder with pockets, you should have one place where all your tax related paperwork goes throughout the year.  Keep the paperwork somewhat accessible so you can add documents as they arrive.  Leaving tax-related paper out to be filed at a later time can result in the documents never making it to the storage area. 

-While this list is not exhaustive, here are some sub-categories you could have and the documents within them.  If you run across another sub-category make a folder for it: “Charity” for any non profit donations you make, “Medical Expenses” for any health expenses you can claim, “Tax Documents”  for all end of the year statements (financial statements, 1099-HCs, 1099s, W2s, etc), “Income” for paystubs, rental income, prizes etc.

-If you do not have Quicken or Quickbooks it can be helpful to maintain a spreadsheet throughout the year.  As you incur an expense it can go on the spreadsheet in a specific category.  At the end of the year you will have the total number for each area and not wasted time reconciling receipts.  Examples of good expenses to track would be medical, education, mileage and travel etc. 

Of course all of the above are just guidelines and a basic structure.  Take some time to properly set up for 2012 and make it your own!